[wp-forums] State of play

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon Nov 7 10:59:40 GMT 2005

ifelse wrote:
> To clarify, I'm receiving the mails but had little to add hence my lack
> of response. I agree with your sentiments and believe that the very
> reasons that you have highlighted have had a definite detrimental effect.
> One other one that I would add to the list is
> - people failing to say thank you

If you try to go off-topic on any of the mailing lists, it gets short
shrift. The focus has to stay on WordPress. Yet it seems that the forums
are literally at the point where we are /expected/ to answer any problem
with any code just because they might have WP installed or in some cases
might just be thinking about it.

I don't know that having more forums is the answer - could we end up
with more wrong posting ? We get enough as it is.

As bad as this sounds all I can think of is we take a MUCH harder line,
take the flak and hope that others support us. I would imagine though
that for every 10 attacks for doing this we might, just might, get one
person saying thank you ..

> A short while ago, I spent some time to look into, investigate and
> resolve a CSS problem that someone was having (I know, probably OT). I
> go back a short while after to see that they'd decided to implement the
> fix but not reply with a simple "problem fixed. thanks".
> I realise that we're not helping out for thanks or rewards but a little
> bit of courtesy makes a hell of a difference...

For me that makes all the difference.

I'll be very honest here - I am dreading the release of 1.6 (or whatever
it's called). WordPress gets even more coverage, WordPress gets more
widely covered - yet the single resource to support it stays the same.


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