[wp-forums] RTFM.

wws words with style wordswithstyle at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 10:03:37 GMT 2005

Whilst, in general, I agree with you Podz, in many instances, a codex
link is the most applicable response. "MySQL Error 28", "Headers Not
Sent", "Referrers not enabled", these are easily and much more
suitably addressed with a link to the codex.

There are instances where the codex isn't the best place to look but
there are many people who are unaware that it exists. It is still a
helpful response to let people aware that there is this giant resource
that they can turn to.

> "any links to Codex (except for VERY clearly stepped answers) should be supplementary to what you type. They should not be the only thing you write. And don't diss other users"
I agree totally. 

The problem isn't being directed to the codex. The main problem is a
lazy response where all people are given are a RTFM.

On 7/26/05, Podz <podz at tamba2.org.uk> wrote:
> My intention is not to offend, but to change behaviour.
> <rant>
> That is what it seems the forums are turning into.
> Forbes Directory - Best of the Web:
> http://www.forbes.com/bow/b2c/review.jhtml?id=7262
> "BEST: Community of users. If you have a question, either check the
> documentation wiki (to which anyone can contribute) or ask at the
> support message board. We had an obscure question answered within an hour."
> So why are the forums turning into one big RTFM ?
> Because increasingly I'm seeing one line answers that are simply a link
> to a Codex page (and sometimes the WRONG page) or else I'm seeing a
> whole bunch of Codex links which may or may not be relevant but they are
> assuming that the person has not searched and as not seen or used the
> Codex and essentially it's a message of "Shut up and go read THAT".
> Codex may well be good, but it is not the panacea. If it was, we could
> get rid of the forums and replace it with a 16em "RTFC" link.
> Now go back to the Forbes thing ... see that word ? That really
> important word ?
>   OR
> ASK if people have been to Codex, do NOT assume they have.
> READ their questions for heavens sake too - there are some answers which
> illustrate only that the person who pasted the answer is actually keener
> on raising their stats that they are in seeing a satisfied user. (Which
> is why public displays of stats are such a bad idea).
> And ANSWER them - any links to Codex (except for VERY clearly stepped
> answers) should be supplementary to what you type. They should not be
> the only thing you write.
> And don't diss other users. If your answer is simply a rehash of what
> someone else has said, or you are simply restating what you have already
> said, then stand up and wander away from the keyboard - we don't need
> contributions that simply add to the noise.
> Think about it .. someone hits a problem, goes to the Codex, can't solve
> it, posts to the forum and effectively gets told to RTFM ? Would I like
> that ? No - it would annoy me intensely, and I would hope it would annoy
> you - unless all your life you too have learnt from RTFMing.
> It's a real person typing their query - let's not forget that.
> And when we are talking about any sort of "team", we have to remember
> that certain of us will be copied, so if all of a sudden I start
> slopping codex links in answer, this will be deemed to be an appropriate
> way to behave. It is NOT.
> </rant>
> P.
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