[wp-forums] Why the 404's ?

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Wed Dec 28 03:39:44 GMT 2005

Vicki Frei wrote:
> Thanks.... well, as I said, it's just me - I do the same thing with a 
> machine that's not behaving, I just refuse to let it win....

Sorry to tell you this, but the machines won some time back. It's
ok though, because they deserved to win.

> I don't remember if I said so, but I won't be around from about 4pm New 
> Years Eve but will be back on New Years Day at a reasonable hour.  
> Hopefully others will be available.... (nope, not a party - gave that 
> sort of thing up about 30 years ago - we watch the LOTR movies back to 
> back to back, and finish up with champagne and chocolate....)

I and some friends have done that with the Star Wars trilogy (the
original one, that is) and found it leads to one thing: very late
afternoon wake ups. But no hangovers, so it's all good.


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