[wp-forums] Now Tags

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Tue Dec 6 20:22:15 GMT 2005

'Tag Soup' :)

Two things:
- I think we need to accept they are there and staying.
- They are - at least to me - useful for homing in on issues that I feel
like tackling or avoiding those I don't feel I can help as much with.

Numbers. If we want 'FAQ' as a tag, then we need to start wandering
through and tagging posts. This will get FAQ up front, it will also
serve to highlight the actual faq and it will also act as the catalyst
for identifying what needs to go into codex.

As of now:
'login' 6 pages
'link' 9 pages
'feed' 7 pages
'plugin' 43 pages

This exercise is not about replacing Codex, nor is it about removing
anything from the forums. It is about using knowledge better.


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