[wp-forums] Security Alerts

Matthew Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Wed Aug 10 15:42:32 GMT 2005

Lorelle VanFossen wrote:
> How should these issues be dealt with? Are there sites which announce 
> such security alerts that need to be monitored so we can be better 
> informed? Is it better that "we" post first than just wait for someone 
> to panic? How do we get these things confirmed and know if this is valid 
> or just a scare? I'm sure you all have more questions and we all need 
> answers to how this should work.

On the forums please just:

1. Tell them to send a message to security at wordpress.org
2. Close the thread

Discussion is seldom productive in these situations. If there is 
actually a problem (which isn't all the time) we'll make a release as 
soon as possible.

Matt Mullenweg
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