[wp-forums] Security Alerts

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Wed Aug 10 14:31:56 GMT 2005

Lorelle VanFossen wrote:
> WordPress Forum first post: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/41464
I flagged that to MCincubus last night and he posed and squashed the issue.

The problem is not the security - that will always happen - the problem 
is perception. But asking someone handy in #wordpress to get in there 
and comment is the most efficient way to stop any threads going out of 

> The info is still new though the issue is "old" and more information 
> will be coming out during the day.
True, but it applies to much much more than WP.

1. Get the issue looked at and get someone we know has the knowledge to 
comment on it at the forum post.
2. File a bug.
3. Send note to hackers list.

There is a security@ address but for the issue which was 
serious, Matt and Ryan were away. I was emailed the problem and I sent 
it to Michel who passed it to the correct people.

I think a sense of proportion is needed. There are two aspects:
- management publicly
- code changes
we need to concern ourselves only with the first, and doing as I 
suggested at the top is effective and timely.

We never post first, and the people to decide what's real, false or a 
potential issue are in #wordpress.


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