[wp-forums] Security Alerts

Lorelle VanFossen lorelle at cameraontheroad.com
Wed Aug 10 14:04:58 GMT 2005

Okay, I've been busy this morning collecting and posting information 
from the "experts" on the issue but it brings up some other questions.

First, the issue.

Security Issue: http://secunia.com/advisories/16386/
WordPress Forum first post: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/41464

 From #wordpress IRC chat:

DrBacchus says: Nobody should have register_globals enabled. Yes, it's 
icky and the bug should be fixed, but the responsibility also lies with 
the server admin. register_globals is the devil.
   relle    DrBacchus: could a plugin turn on the globals?
DrBacchus    relle: it can be turned on in a .htaccess file, so, 
presumably a plugin could do that.

Fix: In .htaccess add a line for php_flag register_globals off

The info is still new though the issue is "old" and more information 
will be coming out during the day.


What has been the policy and proceedure and method of handling such 
security alerts and warnings? Unfortunately, many times they are posted 
by people who rage on with concerns and worries and negative talk and 
then we respond. It's then up to the experts and forum volunteers to 
calm, inform, and sometimes censor the talk when appropriate.

How should these issues be dealt with? Are there sites which announce 
such security alerts that need to be monitored so we can be better 
informed? Is it better that "we" post first than just wait for someone 
to panic? How do we get these things confirmed and know if this is valid 
or just a scare? I'm sure you all have more questions and we all need 
answers to how this should work.


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