[wp-docs] Dump of the Codex?

Jan Fabry jan.fabry at monkeyman.be
Thu May 26 20:16:21 UTC 2011

Op donderdag 26 mei 2011 18:52:03 UTC+2 schreef Lorelle on WordPress het 
> I've been trying to reply to this hopefully the note got through that 
> people have grabbed the whole context of the Codex over the years and the 
> zip files can be found all over the place through a search, but it goes out 
> of date very fast. It's kind of a waste of time, though it hasn't stopped 
> people's determination.

Indeed, I was thinking of an automated solution, one that would generate a 
dump every week or so. There is the Export page [ 
http://codex.wordpress.org/Special:Export ], but currently you have to list 
all pages individually. A newer version of MediaWiki allows you to dump all 
pages in a namespace [ 
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Parameters_to_Special:Export ], which 
would be a great advantage - but I don't know what the upgrade plans for the 
Codex are?

> The reason the email keeps bouncing back on me is that the reply included a 
> wp-docs in Google Groups. We don't have anything on there to the best of my 
> knowledge, or has something changed? 

This is my fault. I tried setting up a transparent mirror of the mailinglist 
on Google Groups, like there is for wp-hackers. It almost works, the only 
issue left is that the Reply-To header is set to both 
wp-docs at lists.automattic.com and wp-docs at googlegroups.com, while it should 
only be the former.

I know it is possible, because it works for wp-hackers, and I hope to 
correct it for this mirror too soon [ 
]. You still have to be a member of the Automattic list, so it is no extra 
spam vector, I just did it for the interface and search capabilities. If you 
remove Google from the reply field it should work without error, and as I 
said I hope to correct this soon, I apologize for the inconvenience.


Jan Fabry
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