[wpmu-trac] Re: [WordPress MU Trac] #415: Redirect error to admin page

WordPress MU Trac wpmu-trac at lists.automattic.com
Tue Oct 16 13:04:17 GMT 2007

#415: Redirect error to admin page
 Reporter:  Giraffian   |        Owner:  somebody
     Type:  defect      |       Status:  new     
 Priority:  high        |    Milestone:  WPMU 2.0
Component:  component1  |      Version:  2.0     
 Severity:  critical    |   Resolution:          
 Keywords:              |  
Comment (by ktlee):

 This error occurs because the primary_blog meta tag in the wp_usermeta
 table didn't get change when user creating a new blog.

 this is the code that is causing the infinite redirection loop.
 in file wp-admin/menu.php

 if (! user_can_access_admin_page()) {
         global $wpdb;
         // find the blog of this user first
         $primary_blog = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT meta_value FROM
 {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE user_id = '$user_ID' AND meta_key =
 'primary_blog'" );
         if( $primary_blog ) {
                 $newblog = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->blogs}
 WHERE blog_id = '{$primary_blog}'" );
                 if( $newblog != null ) {
                         header( "Location: http://" . $newblog->domain .
 $newblog->path . "wp-admin/" );
         wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this
 page.') );


 Before user sign up for a blog, they will not get redirection error
 because user is a subscriber in your main blog i.e. blogid=1 and
 by default when user sign up for user account only, they are assign to
 blogid=1 with subscribe role)

 The problem arise when user come back and sign up for a blog, user default
 role as subscriber in the main blog got deleted, and their primary_blog
 didn't get updated. As the result, when user login from sites other than
 his/her site, he got forward to their primary blog which is wrong (since
 it didn't get updated). Redirection keeps happening because user trying to
 access the main blog backend while he or she doesn't has the proper
 permission to visit the page  (because when you create a new blog the role
 in default blog got deleted.) etc

 Unfortunately, the way to solve this problem is using phpMyAdmin to edit
 user's primary_blog meta tag to his new blog id in wp_usermeta table.
 Sorry, I can't really find a way to make it workaround.  =(

 '''To prevent this from happening:'''
 When creating another blog with validate_another_blog_signup()
 check if the current primary_blog tag is 1 if it's 1 changed it to the new
 created blog id.

 wp-signup.php line 216


 wpmu_create_blog($domain, $path, $blog_title, $current_user->id, $meta);
         confirm_another_blog_signup($domain, $path, $blog_title,
 $current_user->user_login, $current_user->user_email, $meta);


         $blogid = wpmu_create_blog($domain, $path, $blog_title,
 $current_user->id, $meta);
         confirm_another_blog_signup($domain, $path, $blog_title,
 $current_user->user_login, $current_user->user_email, $meta);

         if(get_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'primary_blog')==1)
                 update_usermeta($current_user->ID, 'primary_blog',

 donncha, you might want to include this into core, because the problem
 does exits. =(

 Sorry for this long posting.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/ticket/415#comment:5>
WordPress MU Trac <http://mu.wordpress.org/>
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