[wp-xmlrpc] An Error in Custom Fields Processing?

David Weiss dave at daveweiss.net
Sat Apr 18 19:02:58 GMT 2009

I am going to try to upgrade my php to 5.2.9.  I'm sure this is some sort of
libxml2/php issue.  But even with the plugin that was supposed to address
the issue, I had problems.

One way or the other, I'll report back on results.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Joseph Scott <joseph at josephscott.org>wrote:

> On Apr 17, 2009, at 9:54 AM, David Weiss wrote:
>  Thanks to everyone's help here, I am "THIS" close (holding my index finger
>> and thumb a 1/4 inch apart) to having a really slick solution for getting my
>> project working.
>> One more problem.
>> Let's say I have a URL I'm sticking into a custom field and using getPost
>> or editPost to create/update that custom field.
>> The XML that gets passed looks just fine:
>> <value><struct>
>> <member><name>id</name><value><string>3038</string></value></member>
>> <member><name>key</name><value><string>_photo_1_large</string></value></member><member><name>value</name><value><string>/wordpress/images/image.php/07160864_1.jpg?width=600&amp;height=400&amp;image=/wordpress/images/07160864_1.jpg</string></value></member>
>> </struct></value>
>> But once it's inside of WP, the "&" gets stripped off the "&amp;".
>> How do I fix this?  I've tried adding an extra "&" and all sorts of other
>> permutations of possibilities.
> I've been trying to reproduce this with no luck so far.  What version are
> you using?  I've been testing against -trunk so it's possible that something
> has changed that addressed this.
> I used the IXR library and my custom field looked like:
>        array(
>            "key"   => "photo",
>            "value" =>
> "/wordpress/images/image.php/07160864_1.jpg?width=600&amp;height=400&amp;image=/wordpress/images/07160864_1.jpg"
>        )
> I checked the DB, the edit post screen and the results of
> metaWeblog.getPost, they all returned the same string with the &amp; intact.
> --
> Joseph Scott
> joseph at josephscott.org
> http://josephscott.org/
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