[wp-xmlrpc] Comments API

Ryan Boren ryan at boren.nu
Mon Aug 4 19:43:43 GMT 2008


Latest patch:


The following methods are implemented:

wp.getComment(blog_id, username, password, comment_id)

wp.getComments(blog_id, username, password, {status, post_id, number, offset}

wp.deleteComment(blog_id, username, password, comment_id)

wp.editComment(blog_id, username, password, comment_id, {status,
date_created_gmt, content, author, author_url, author_email, })

wp.newComment(blog_id, username, password, post, {content, author,
author_email, author_url})
// author info is optional if authorization is successful.
Unregistered commenting is allowed if a plugin sets the
xmlrpc_allow_anonymous_comments filter to true.  Default is to not
allow unregistered comments.  User must auth.

wp.getCommentStatusList(blog_id, username, password)

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