[wp-ui] Thesis: The impact of design ethnography and Wordpress | Client - web designer relationships in the nonprofit sector

Kristina Krause k_kristina_ at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 14 22:48:05 UTC 2010


I have recently finished a master's degree in social anthropology, thesis titled: The impact of design ethnography and Wordpress | Client - web designer relationships in the nonprofit sector. I simply wanted to let anyone who may be interested know the text is now online, and to please provide any feedback or comments you feel necessary!

Website: http://www.appliedanthrodesign.com/thesis/


The  increasing rate of technological innovation and integration into 
the daily  lives of many online users has spurred both the 
reconceptualization of the  digital divide, and the promotion of 
user-centered research methods; that emphasize  the significance of 
variability in technology acquisition. No longer is  technology to be 
considered an external tool, where success depends on basic  
functionality, but an integrated player affected by the social relations
 and  environment in which it resides. Through Niklas Luhmann’s systems 
theory in  combination with actor-network theory, this study aims to 
look first at the  systems in which nonprofits and web designers 
separately operate; how their  processes are altered with the 
introduction of design ethnography and  Wordpress; and finally which 
human and nonhuman actors may be utilized in the  creation of websites 
for nonprofits who desire technological self-sufficiency.

Kristina Krause

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