[wp-ui] another intro

Andrea Rennick andrea at ronandandrea.com
Fri Jan 22 00:06:57 UTC 2010

 > if you're planning to contribute to the UI work ahead, please email
 > this list and tell us a little bit about you


I'm andrea_r pretty much everywhere I need to pick a login. I figure I 
will mostly lurk, and input in the UI areas that will come over from MU 
& related to the merge. I have some experience in knowing how users are 
currently interacting with the Site Admin menus, and what complaints 
they have and where they get confused.

So if I'm following along, I will have a better sense of how the whole 
interacts, and how best to explain it to the masses. Translating 
geekspeak is my secret talent. Not really a designer, but I know what 
looks good. ;)

Oh, and I'm really good at testing things to see if I can break them.

further east in Canada

Andrea Rennick, writer of http://wpmututorials.com
Consulting at http://ronandandrea.com

Alternate email: sillyandrea at gmail.com - also for Google Wave
Phone: 1-506-276-4856 NA East Coast work hours, Mon-Fri only please

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