[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #60692: Plugin dependencies: Allow a mu-plugin to fulfil a dependency

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed May 22 00:02:31 UTC 2024

#60692: Plugin dependencies: Allow a mu-plugin to fulfil a dependency
 Reporter:  johnbillion      |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal           |   Milestone:  6.6
Component:  Upgrade/Install  |     Version:  6.5
 Severity:  normal           |  Resolution:
 Keywords:  2nd-opinion      |     Focuses:

Comment (by knutsp):

 Let a mu-plugin stay as any .php file that exists in the mu-plugins
 folder, as now. Some recommedations is ok, like Plugin Name, Version
 headers and so on. The rest is up to the developer and/or any with file
 system access.

 Make it simple. Create a `register_dependency_plugin_slug` function (or
 any better name) to add a plugin slug to a global array, or a class
 static, or a singleton object, array property, like the best of existing
 register_something functions. Maybe make this array immutable after all
 mu-plugins are loaded. In this way any, plugin author can add this, in
 prepartion to support being a loaded as a mu-plugin. Loader files, that
 load many individual plugins in subfolders, who does not register, allow
 multiple calls, one slug string at per call.

 This allows any properly coded plugin, with no hard coded assumptions on
 where in the file systems it is loaded from, to work as a mu-plugin and
 also act as a dependency for other plugins.

 A new plugin file header may be added, to indicate mu-plugin support, like
 network, but this is not essential

 A mu-plugin declaring own dependencies should continue to be ignored, as
 developer territory.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/60692#comment:4>
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