[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #61040: Provide a framework for plugin onboarding experiences

WordPress Trac noreply at wordpress.org
Wed May 15 13:02:16 UTC 2024

#61040: Provide a framework for plugin onboarding experiences
 Reporter:  jorbin       |       Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Awaiting Review
Component:  Plugins      |     Version:
 Severity:  normal       |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |     Focuses:  administration

Comment (by alanfuller):

 OK  so I just tried dependent plugins for the first time, and I don't want
 to critize the hard work that has gone into it, but I didn't find the work
 flow very user friendly. So I think my question is valid at the moment,
 are we creating a complexity by combining two work flows.

 I add Google listings,it says I need WooCommerce  but doesn't give me an
 option to install that I was expecting. Instead Ihav eto click on more
 details  that opens a modal that give me the option to install.

 I install, and close the modal.The install button is still greyed out.

 I refresh the page and now I can install Google Ads list, so I do.

 Which gives me the option to Activate Google Ads  listing, so I try.

 And I get  'Activation Failed' with no reason given.

 I notice  that is still says Woocommerce  required - more details -> modal
 -> Activate button is active
 which I press

 I now get a refresh notice.  So i refresh.

 I now have an ACTIVE button for Google Ads  - but it still says I need
 WooCommerce which I thought I had so I go to the modal again, no options
 so I guess it is OK

 And now I can activate  Ads  Listing.

 So it works, sort of ( I spotted some unrelated issues  / bugs but I'll
 raise those elsewhere to keep this just about workflow )  but not a great
 experience and as an experienced WP user I might live with that.

 But what I really want is it to be simple - I select a plugin that
 requires another plugin why can't I just install (and activate ) them all
 - why should i have to go back and forth through modals one by one?  Maybe
 there are use cases where the one by one activity is needed, but I would
 have thought the basic premise, I need two plugins lets get two plugins
 would be the default.

Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/61040#comment:49>
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