[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #59165: Font Face: Server-side @font-face styles generator and printer
WordPress Trac
noreply at wordpress.org
Tue Aug 22 13:21:50 UTC 2023
#59165: Font Face: Server-side @font-face styles generator and printer
Reporter: hellofromTonya | Owner: (none)
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 6.4
Component: General | Version:
Severity: normal | Keywords: gutenberg-merge needs-dev-note
Focuses: |
Introducing Font Face, a server-side `@font-face` styles generator and
printer. This ticket tracks merging Font Face from Gutenberg into Core.
== What is Font Face?
Font Face's role is to generate and print the `@font-face` styles for all
theme defined and user activated fonts (activation will be handled by Font
Library - coming soon).
There is no font registration or enqueuing.
It is not involved in the process of determining which fonts the site
should or is using. Rather, it processes what is passed to it or, if none,
pulls / gets the fonts from Theme_JSON's merged data layer.
It introduces a new global function called `wp_print_font_faces()`. This
function is automatically called:
* when the `'wp_head'` hook runs (for the front-end).
* when the `'admin_print_styles'` hook runs (for the back-end).
* when `_wp_get_iframed_editor_assets()` runs to inject the `@font-face`
styles into the iframed editor.
Once called, it gets the fonts from Theme_JSON merged data layer, which
includes theme defined fonts and user activated fonts (once the Font
Library is introduced into Core).
== What is `@font-face` styles?
Per [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face mdn web
>The `@font-face` CSS at-rule specifies a custom font with which to
display text; the font can be loaded from either a remote server or a
locally-installed font on the user's own computer.
== Does it work on classic sites too?
Yes. For classic sites, themes and plugins can directly call
`wp_print_font_faces()` and pass their fonts array to it for processing.
== Does it replace `_wp_theme_json_webfonts_handler()`?
Yes. Font Face is a direct replacement for the stopgap code in
`_wp_theme_json_webfonts_handler()` that was introduced in 6.0 via
== References:
* #46370 original (Web)Fonts API proposal for registering and enqueuing
web fonts.
* [https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/41479 Gutenberg tracking
issue] which includes the evolution from Webfonts API to Fonts API to Font
* [53282] / #55567 Added the stopgap code
`_wp_theme_json_webfonts_handler()` in 6.0.
* [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face @font-face
on mdn web docs]
Ticket URL: <https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/59165>
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