[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #10814: Plugin GUIDs

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Sat May 15 13:59:49 UTC 2010

#10814: Plugin GUIDs
 Reporter:  mdawaffe     |       Owner:  westi         
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  reviewing     
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Future Release
Component:  Plugins      |     Version:  2.8.4         
 Severity:  normal       |    Keywords:  has-patch     

Comment(by hakre):

 As I wrote, UUID is pretty good if you do not have a central registry.

 I do not want to sound like a nit-picker here, but you write it yourself,
 there is at least a chance that UUID will conflict and this ticket is
 technically about a GUID which, to expand the term, is a Global Unique
 Identifier. That means, it is ''unique per definition'' and implementing
 it comes with no conflicts by that, so even not by chance. Just to draw
 the line.

 The rest is about personal opinion of wether someone want's to implement a
 GUID or a UUID then or just some fantasy name, re-use the URL or whatever.

 Just as additional feedback:

 A central registry won't necessarily have privacy issues. It will only
 offer a GUID once, so it's free to request by anyone and only need to be
 set once by the plugin author. Next to that it would be optional, no
 plugin author is forced to use a GUID. Each header field in plugins is
 totally optional, even the plugin name. Won't make any sense for non-
 shared plugins anyway.

 The good thing with the UUID infact is, that since this is a documented
 algorythm, everybody could generate her or his own plugins ID. I think we
 should go for it, looks like the simplest solution.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/10814#comment:23>
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