[wp-trac] [WordPress Trac] #11863: Trashed items interfere with page/post slug generation

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Thu May 6 01:41:38 UTC 2010

#11863: Trashed items interfere with page/post slug generation
 Reporter:  Denis-de-Bernardy  |       Owner:  nacin                  
     Type:  defect (bug)       |      Status:  accepted               
 Priority:  normal             |   Milestone:  3.0                    
Component:  Trash              |     Version:  2.9                    
 Severity:  normal             |    Keywords:  needs-patch ux-feedback

Comment(by johnonolan):

 How will it confuse everyone?[[BR]]
 Warning: If you restore this post then post-xx will be moved to post-xx-2.
 Do you want to continue? [Yes/No][[BR]]
 The most relevant piece of information that we have is that the user wants
 to restore a post, everything else should revolve around the expectation
 of what will happen when a button labelled "restore" is clicked.[[BR]]
 For the record: Windows really isn't a great benchmark when it comes to
 user experience - and just because it's most common, doesn't mean it's
 best. Take Internet Explorer for example.

Ticket URL: <http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/11863#comment:39>
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