[wp-trac] Re: [WordPress Trac] #2775: Ability for all users to add users of lesser cabable roles

WordPress Trac wp-trac at lists.automattic.com
Wed Jun 14 01:09:34 GMT 2006

#2775: Ability for all users to add users of lesser cabable roles
       Id:  2775            |      Status:  new                     
Component:  Administration  |    Modified:  Wed Jun 14 01:09:33 2006
 Severity:  enhancement     |   Milestone:                          
 Priority:  normal          |     Version:  2.1                     
    Owner:  doit-cu         |    Reporter:  doit-cu                 
Comment (by ringmaster):

 The new ideas we discussed sounded good.

 Essentially, a new associative array would be formed that contains target
 information (what user is being edited, what role they're being set to,
 what action is being performed, etc) and standardized array keys (like
 "action", "target_user", etc.) and passed with calls to current_user_can()

 {{{current_user_can('edit_user', array('target_user'=>$target_user_id,

 A new hook will be added to the end of get_meta_cap() that will forward
 all of this data on to registered plugins.  The plugins can then implement
 completely new security models, even ones based on the old level

 This will also have the advantage of allowing the filtering of other caps
 for meta caps, which really enhances the capabilities of... er...

 Without a plugin, capability functionality will remain unchanged, but it's
 a great boon for WP as a CMS, and it should only be a few lines of change.

 Plugins should be sure to filter for only the meta caps they need,
 otherwise some circular logic could be introduced (by calling
 current_user_can() with a meta cap from inside the hook sink for

Ticket URL: <http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2775>
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