[wp-testers] Still shows WordPress 3.1 (alpha) and the new Admin Bar is gone

Kirk M kmb42vt at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 17:59:58 UTC 2010

I've been using the "WordPress Beta Tester" plugin (set to "Bleeding 
edge nightlies") to current with the latest nightly builds of 3.1 since 
the beginning of development. I haven't been able to update for awhile 
now due to other responsibilities taking precedence but I updated today 
and I've noticed something in that the admin footer still shows:

 >>"You are using a development version (3.1-alpha). Cool! Please stay 

Considering that 3.1 is supposed to be released sometime next month (as 
per "Weblog Tools Collection") I'm a bit surprised that the footer still 
shows 3.1 as alpha. Or is it still? Just wondering for info's sake. 
Trying to catch up after being away.

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