[wp-testers] Upgrade to RC1

Musing Minds kimsch at musing-minds.com
Thu Dec 17 22:23:50 UTC 2009

> I added a check to avoid the fatal error.

> https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/12435/branches/2.9

> Where exactly did you see the "Do you really want to do this?"  When
> loading upgrade.php

Thanks Ryan

I ftp'd the files and refreshed on my beta subdomain. I got the upgrade the
database screen, all normal. Then the window title was "WP Failure Notice"
and the window said "Do you really want to do this?" and "Click to try
again". I clicked and it said it had upgraded successfully.

I ended up taking it back to 2.8.6, deleting a couple of plugins,
deactivating all the plugins, and re-upgrading. That worked.

Auto upgrades on plugins were hanging on the download.zip portion.

Akismet has been upgraded and an earlier version is in the RC1 package.

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