[wp-testers] OT: Good for you, Matt!

Kimsch kimsch at musing-minds.com
Fri Oct 17 23:27:36 GMT 2008

Kewl beans! Congrats Matt

-----Original Message-----
From: Shelly <wordpress at anekostudios.com>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:36 PM
To: wp-testers at lists.automattic.com
Subject: [wp-testers] OT: Good for you, Matt!

My husband comes in and sits down to read what I thought was his  
"Handyman" magazine, and as I'm making dinner he says "The founder of  
WordPress is only 24 years old?" My husband is an engineer who knows  
nothing about what I do - save I really like to use WordPress.  So  
when he said that, I was very surprised.   So I turned around, and  
there he is, reading a little blurb on the "Young Gun" known as Matt  
Mullenweg in the "Business" section of Maxim Magazine.  (No, it wasn't  
Handyman.  I guess a half-dressed Stacy Keibler on the cover caught  
his attention more.)

Just wanted to give you a little "Woo-hoo!" Matt ;)

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