[wp-testers] Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object (Upgrade from 2.3.3)

Martin Espericueta martin at fiercestreetnetworks.com
Sat Mar 29 15:13:51 GMT 2008

Hello All,

I've deleted all the files on one of my WordPress sites except for 
wp-content and wp-config.php. I then FTP'ed RC2 - so there are only the 
new files on my web server. But when I run the /wp-admin/upgrade.php 
file, I get:

*Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in 
*/home/x/public_html/x/wp-includes/taxonomy.php* on line *165

*Any thoughts?*

Best Regards and God Bless,

Martin "Standardista" Espericueta
/Web Standards in Design 
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