[wp-testers] Gallery formatting and permalinks

Andy Skelton skeltoac at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 16:06:15 GMT 2008

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Spencer Lavery <phobea at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Themers/users should have complete control over formatting and
>  presentation, never needing to touch the php (except the hooks in the
>  themes, and loops if they so wish). Most of the WP templating system
>  allows this, but elements such a wp_list_cats don't. I assumed that
>  this was old code waiting to be revised, but to introduce new code
>  using this same, old method isn't where I thought WP was trying to go.

Beyond a certain level of customization, themers will always have to
touch PHP. There is no core intention to protect themers from the
scary, wonderful world of PHP. The added support for a theme's
functions.php shows that we mean to let themers have even more PHP

>  As an extra note - a way to cater for both up-to-date themers, and old
>  themes that don't have styles for the Gallery yet - would be to
>  introduce a gallery.php template file.

You propose support for a template to be used if post_content includes
a particular shortcode. This does not follow the logic of
template-loader.php. Themes can use the template_redirect hook to make
such decisions but this doesn't make sense for core. A post with a
gallery is still a post.

>  The ability to change a media file's permalink 'slug' would be
>  awesome. Currently it appears to use the meta data (EXIF?) from the
>  photo and not the 'title' that you input. If it worked off of the
>  'title' that would be an improvement, but being able to fully
>  customise it would be very handy.



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