[wp-testers] Save and Continue Editing Button

Andrew Ozz admin at laptoptips.ca
Tue Mar 25 00:16:09 GMT 2008

Gene Steinberg wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2008, at 4:02 PM, Mark Jaquith wrote:
>> I had no problems using autosave on Gene's installs.  He says he was 
>> able to make it work running Vista in Parallels, so at this point I 
>> have to say that it's likely something specific to his Macs' setup.
>> -- 
>> Mark Jaquith • http://markjaquith.com/
> My concern, however, is that I had no problems with WP 2.2.3.
> But if this is specific to my installs, then what is it? I don't have 
> anything common to both computers beyond use of OpenDNS for DNS servers 
> and an AirPort Extreme Gigabit for router (with default settings, mostly).
> Anyone?
> Peace,
> Gene

I think like Mark too... RC1 has been out for a few days now and 
probably quite a few people have tested it on Mac. Also I wasn't able to 
reproduce this when testing on a brand new IMac. The TinyMCE team wasn't 
able to reproduce it either.

The errors are strange too, especially since the "Insert Link" button 
doesn't work, but the rest of the popups work. There's very little 
difference between Insert Link and Insert Image popups, they both do 
exactly the same - insert a string in TinyMCE's content.

The only reason I can think of would be that the Insert Link's html or 
js is pulled from cache somewhere and is still from TinyMCE 
2.x/WordPress 2.3 (both are downloaded by the browser when the popup is 
opened). Same with the Spellchecker popup. That could explain why 
autosave wouldn't work too, as it is a js file that may be pulled from 
cache instead the latest version downloaded from the server.

The cache is not necessarily the browser's cache on the computers. Could 
be a network cache somewhere between the computers and the web server. 
I've seen this happen with js files before - a network cache would 
return the old files until it expires.

Gene, could you try accessing your site from another location, wireless 
hot-spot, etc. hopefully through another Internet provider/route and see 
if there are any differences?

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