[wp-testers] media dialog box fixed size

Musing Minds kimsch at musing-minds.com
Sat Mar 22 20:05:29 GMT 2008

> Took a few tries... with the same file uploaded? Is this really an
> intermittent error?

Now that you ask, it was a couple different images and I do believe the one
that caused the error was a larger image (straight from my camera rather
than one I'd run through Photoshop or Fireworks first...

>  SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadError: HTTP ERROR : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0. HTTP
Status: 500.

> HTTP Status 500 is bad news. It's nice that the upload worked, but the
> server error indicates something bad. I'm not sure but this might
> result from trying to resize a large image if your php memory limit is
> too low. If it always works with small images and always fails with
> large images, that's probably the bug.

Can I determine this information from phpinfo? 

kimsch at musing-minds.com

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