[wp-testers] What's up with wp_list_pages?

Karl Wångstedt kalle at wangstedt.net
Fri Mar 21 16:29:30 GMT 2008

Hi all

I'm preparing for the upcoming 2.5 release with a test install of the  
latest RC1 and nightly.

But when I try to use wp_list_pages() with the depth= and child_of=  
parameter it's failing. It's only listing the first level of nested  
pages to the page ID I provide.

If I have a page structure like this:

Page (id 1)
-Subpage (id 3)
--Children to subpage (id 5)
-Subpage2 (id 4)
Page2 (id 2)

And if I then have wp_list_pages('child_of=1&depth=0'); I only get the  
Subpage and Subpage2 (id 3 and 4) listed in the menu. It doesn't  
matter if I use depth=2 or even depth=10 as parameter. I still only  
get the children and not all descendants to the child_of= ID.

In my WP 2.3.3 install it works as expected.

Thanks for any input on what I'm doing wrong.
Karl Wångstedt
W W W . W A N G S T E D T . N E T

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