[wp-testers] How Does The Gallery Work?

Peter Westwood peter.westwood at ftwr.co.uk
Fri Mar 21 08:11:16 GMT 2008

Andy Skelton wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:47 PM, George Pearce <george at gpearce.co.uk> wrote:
>>  I've got how to attach it, I was just wondering, on ma.tt , when the pics
>>  are clicked, they go to a pretty url. Does this happen automatically with 2
>>  or more images on the new WP, right?
> The pretty URLs are made only after you have published the post. They
> should be the post permalink + the attachment slug.
This means that if I use the new uploader to add a single image to a 
post and want to link to the attachment page I don't get a pretty url to 
link to it with in the media uploader.

This breaks the user experience a bit - may we should be updating the 
links to the pretty permalink on publish.


Peter Westwood
http://blog.ftwr.co.uk | http://westi.wordpress.com
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