[wp-testers] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: apache_getenv()

Philip Barron delcyphr at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 00:52:57 GMT 2008

Andy said:

>Again, nowhere in WordPress PHP code is a 406 (Not Acceptable)
>emitted. Next debugging steps could be to look at the response headers
>using Ethereal/Wireshark, or try to mimic the request using telnet.

I understand that WP per se isn't throwing the 406 errors. From
what I read today at the SWFUpload site, this is a standing issue
that Flash file uploading has with mod_security.

>Second thought: do you have mod_security installed?

Andy, my server does have mod_security enabled. Disabling
mod_security via .htaccess allows the image uploader to work
like a charm. Not a comfortable solution, though!

all best,

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