[wp-testers] WordCamp London?

Nick Bohle mail at nickbohle.de
Wed Mar 19 20:19:11 GMT 2008

> Or we organize a German WordCamp, in a big German city or in a Swiss
> city
> like Zurich. What does everyone think NOW?
> >I propose London as a venue due to transport links, accomodation etc
> >but would be open to an alternative UK location.
> >What does everyone think?


A (German) WordCamp already took place in Hamburg (Jan 08). I've heard it
was quite a success. http://www.wordcamp08.de 

The next European WordCamp will take place in Milan (May 08).
http://iwordpresscamp.wordpress.com/ In my opinion, this is the alternative
(location) for London.

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