[wp-testers] Understanding Settings->Miscellaneous->Full URL path to files

Nick Bohle mail at nickbohle.de
Wed Mar 19 16:34:22 GMT 2008

Hmm... maybe this has something to do with the new permalinks for (uploaded)

Last evening, I posted a message about the new gallery and the permalink
structure. Unfortunately, the message wasn't deliverd.

I tried to create an image gallery today. Uploading the images, inserting
the [gallery] into the post, etc.  My first impression was: fast, easy to
use, great new feature. 

But then, when I looked at the new gallery (thumbnails were displayed
correctly), I had to realize that the (perma)links to the images are broken.
Clicking on an image returned an 404 Not Found error message.

<a href='http://localhost/wordpress/uncategorized/test-gallery/garden001/'
.jpg" width="150" height="150" class="attachment-thumbnail" /></a>

After deactivating all plug-ins, the error persisted. Therefore, I thought
that it could have something to do with the permalink structure. So I
changed my "pretty" customized permalinks from /%category%/%postname%/ to
the "ugly" version /?p=123.

The result proved me right. The gallery was working fine with the "ugly"
permalink structure:

<a href='http://localhost/wordpress/?attachment_id=280'
.jpg" width="150" height="150" class="attachment-thumbnail" /></a> 

Any ideas why the "pretty" permalinks do not work? The images are uploaded
into /wp-content/uploads/YEAR/MONTH.

So, do I have to put my permalink structure "/%category%/%postname%/" into
the Settings->Miscellaneous->"Full URL path to files" field to make the
gallery work correctly?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-testers-bounces at lists.automattic.com [mailto:wp-testers-
> bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Michael E. Hancock
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 1:46 PM
> To: WordPress Testers
> Subject: [wp-testers] Understanding Settings->Miscellaneous->Full URL
> path to files
> Trying to understand (so as to document in Codex) the use of the new
> Settings->Miscellaneous->"Full URL path to files" field.
> Under what situation (or for what reason) would the "Full URL path to
> files"
> be set?
> Is "Full URL path" a setting in place of  "Store uploads in this
> folder" or
> is it to complement "Store uploads in this folder"?
> Thanks for any explanation.
> MichaelH
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