[wp-testers] Avatars

Nick Bohle mail at nickbohle.de
Tue Mar 18 02:18:42 GMT 2008

Readers/users can upload their own (gr)avatar... at Gravatar.com. And when
they use their (gravatar sign-up) email address for commenting on your blog,
their gravatar will be shown. The appropriate proportions are set by you
with the get_avatar function:

echo get_avatar( get_comment_author_email(), '80' )

'80' means that the avatar will be 80x80 pixel.

The shaded avatar is just the default avatar for users who do not have a
gravatar account.


Gene wrote:
It would be nice, though, if readers could upload their own so long as  
they fit within the appropriate proportions. But it definitely looks  
snappier than doing without, and it only took a few seconds to adapt  
the file to my needs.

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