[wp-testers] Plugin update testing needed again

DD32 wordpress at dd32.id.au
Sun Mar 16 07:54:25 GMT 2008

Most of the issues are getting ironed out IMO slowly.

Those with the Unzipping problem "Cannot find end of main directory" (Or similar) should be fixed with http://trac.wordpress.org/changeset/7314
It was due to the class using 32bit values, and PHP operating in 64bit mode.

Those with FTP issues, Some FTP installs would return the Current directory incorrectly (Ie. '257 "/home/dd32/"' instead of '/home/dd32/') That should be fixed by this patch: http://trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/6245/6245.diff If you had that error, Please do apply that patch(just the changes in class-ftp.php are needed, but the others would be advised too).

Those who had a install in a subfolder:
/home/.../dd32.id.au/wordpress/ <- Main WordPress blog
/home/.../dd32.id.au/wordpress/devblog/ <- A WordPress blog in a subfolder

The updater would find the Mainblog when updating a Subblog, Result? The plugin disapeared, or it just didnt work.
Can you give the patch a try out, and see if it works? Or, Alternativly, Just head over and install this plugin (version 1.4) and check the paths reported are correct: http://dd32.id.au/files/wp-filesystem-tester.zip
If the FS2 paths report incorrectly, get in touch with my ASAP please :), If however, it does report the right folder, then brilliant, like to hear that its working as intended. 
Anyone who's original path is correct, but the new FS2 path is incorrect, I need to hear from you too.

Please, Please do test on test blogs, or at least have a backup of your plugins folder, There has been a few cases where things have gone awry, While i think those cases have been ironed out, There may still be some that havnt been caught, It is essential that those bugs ARE caught.

To check what is to be deleted during a plugin upgrade, Take a look at the linked plugin above, it has a section which (using example data) shows what would happen, If it reports incorrectly.. then dont try the updater, get in touch with me or someone else, reply back, get in touch with someone, I dont care, just make sure people know about it!

Anyway, It has a section like this:
Plugin Locations
Delete file: /home/theonly/public_html/dd32.id.au/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/hello.php

Delete entire folder: /home/theonly/public_html/dd32.id.au/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/akismet/

So, as you can see, in both cases, it'll want to delete the correct item.. and while i dont see it being faulted, it might happen, so watch that space too and report back if its wrong.

Those particually with a custom PLUGINDIR (The few of you), Please DO check that that section reads correct!

Ah, Also, Someone commented that it was failing on large plugins, ala, wp-phpmyadmin, I've just tried it on a dreamhost account, And while no status updates were shown until it was done (Needs some flush() statements in there i guess, There might be some HTTP compression in use). I'm looking into that, It might be an idea to add set_time_limit(0); to the page as well, so as to give it a bit more time on slower systems (Or those which are allready heavily overloaded)

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