[wp-testers] drafts saving once a second

Dave J. (Scoop0901) scoop0901 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 19:00:14 GMT 2008

Why are drafts saving once every second?  I didn't notice it, as I do most
of my posting and editing via Windows Live Writer, but one of our writers
pointed out that each time she attempts to get down to "categories" in
WP2.5(trunk r1735), the screen refreshes and basically sends her back
to the
editing area for the post.

I think someone mentioned last week that a way to change how often a draft
is saved, i.e., once a minute, once every two minutes, once every five
minutes, or never, should be built into WP, or, for right now with
WP2.5being released soon, to notch up the save draft time from once
per second to
once every two minutes.

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| Dave Jackson    Philadelphia, PA    http://blog.scoop0901.net
|  "A journalist's job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict
|       the comfortable." -Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936)
|   (c) 2008 by Dave Jackson (Scoop0901). All rights reserved.

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