[wp-testers] WP 2.5 + FeedBurner FeedSmith

Aaron Brazell emmensetech at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 16:08:32 GMT 2008

I can confirm but I thought it was just me. I've had lots of little annoyances creep up in using trunk for so long.
(via Blackberry)
Aaron Brazell 
Director of Technology, b5media
"A Global New Media Company" 

web:: www.b5media.com, www.technosailor.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Lloyd Budd" <lloydomattic at gmail.com>

Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:56:05 
To:wp-testers at lists.automattic.com
Subject: [wp-testers] WP 2.5 + FeedBurner FeedSmith

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Rick Beckman <rick.beckman at gmail.com> wrote:
Subject was [wp-testers] 2.5 Plugin Compatibility
>  http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins/Plugin_Compatibility/2.5

It is funny that FeedBurner FeedSmith 2.2 [1] is already listed, like
it was for http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugins/Plugin_Compatibility/2.3

As I just discovered that it doesn't work for tag specific feeds. This
makes sense that it has issues, because it doesn't seem like it has
been updated in quite a while.

Just funny that no one else has caught this. Can someone else confirm
I'm correct about this issue and update the list?

Thank you,
Lloyd Budd | Digital Entomologist | | Skype:foolswisdom
WordPress.com | WordPress.org | Automattic.com

1. http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/help/wordpress_quickstart
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