[wp-testers] Customizing more link text

Dino Termini dino at duechiacchiere.it
Sat Jan 6 09:38:44 GMT 2007

Hi all, my name is Dino and I really like Wordpress. I'd like to ask a 
small hack for Wordpress 2.1. I currently did it on my own installation: 
for accessibility reasons, it would be nice to customize the "read more" 
link text shown when I use the <!--more--> separator. In 
post-template.php you have at row 98:

$output .= '<a id="more-'.$id.'"></a>'.$content[1];

Could you please replace this with

$output .= '<span id="more-'.$id.'">&nbsp;</span>'.$content[1];

Because an "empty link" is a bad practice and raises an error when 
validating the page against W3C automatic validators.

Thank you very much.

due chiacchiere <http://feeds.feedburner.com/duechiacchiere>

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