[wp-testers] Plugin Loading Priority

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Fri Oct 20 21:20:31 GMT 2006

On Oct 20, 2006, at 5:08 PM, Imthiaz Rafiq wrote:

> Sometime some plugin create some issue due to other plugin. In  
> these case we
> can write filters hooks to communicate well between plugins if  
> needed. This
> is up to the plugin developers to do.

This should probably be on the wp-hackers list, as it pertains to  
future WP development, but I'll answer here.

Plugin load order shouldn't matter for well-coded plugins.  Plugins  
shouldn't be using other plugins' functions before all plugins are  
loaded.  There is the plugins_loaded hook for just this purpose:  
delaying plugin actions until all plugins have been loaded.

If there is some peculiar reason you need plugin X to load before  
plugin Y, you can just have plugin Y require_once() the other plugin.

I don't see how it would help for troubleshooting purposes.  If you  
have a parse error, the error message should make it clear which  
plugin is causing the issue.

Mark Jaquith

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