[wp-testers] Slug

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Wed Nov 8 06:32:02 GMT 2006

On Nov 7, 2006, at 10:36 PM, Rick Beckman wrote:

> But when dealing with draft posts, perhaps the two (title and slug)
> should remain synced.

It should.  If it isn't, that's a bug.

> Regarding the first issue, though, it would seem intuitive that the
> Publish button always published, regardless of what auto-save has
> done.

Hitting the Publish button should always change the status to  
published.  This is the point where the post slug should be written  
in stone.  That's how it has been... if it's not in 2.1, it's a bug.

Mark Jaquith

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