[wp-testers] Some observations.

Mark Jaquith mark.wordpress at txfx.net
Sun Sep 4 21:03:36 GMT 2005

Podz wrote:

> #1
> wys bar on.
> Write Post
> This is a
> (then click More)
> Test
> Save.
> Switch wys bar off.
> Edit draft, see:
> this is a <img width="100%" height="10" 
> class="mce_plugin_wordpress_more" title="More..." alt="More..." 
> src="../wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/images/spacer.gif" 
> />test<br />

We really need to have posts stored in the database without this 
markup.  The paragraphs should be converted back to line breaks (same 
with <br />), and this more stuff should be converted to <!--more-->.  
Basically... it should look the same in the database no matter how you 
edit it.

> #3
> Write Page > Save as draft
> This will be a future option ?

I'd like to see a unified posting screen.  There are: private, draft, 
publish, static, right now.  There's no reason that you can't create an 
ambiguous draft, and then "Publish as post" / "Publish as page"

The only difference is that Pages don't have categories, and Posts don't 
have parents.  So maybe when it's a draft, you show both.

> #4
> I've told Firas about this using wys and his ContactForm plugin.
> wys on.
> manually insert <!--contact form--> into page.
> the resulting page works.
> Edit same page
> The tag isn't there, it's invisible.
> Type a word
> save page
> Look at result and the contact form is still there and the word I 
> typed has appeared at the top of the page too.
> (Plugin problem maybe, but odd.)

Probably some code that eats HTML comments in TinyMCE

Mark Jaquith
MCincubus @ #wordpress

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