[wp-testers] "Categories"

Nickolas Means nmeans at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 20:07:05 GMT 2005


What would justify adding a separate tagging function into the core  
code of WP, though?  If Ultimate Tag Warrior does this very  
competently, and by all reports it does, then what's the  
justification for adding it into core code other than "Web 2.0ness"?   
If you want tags and cats, fine, install the plugin.  For novice  
users, the distinction between categories and tags may be difficult  
to comprehend, and the default system works pretty well for an either/ 
or implementation.

I have a feeling that most of the users wanting to use the dual- 
functionality will fall into the "Advanced" user camp, and for them,  
the plugin's the way to go.  IMHO, we don't want to confuse new users  
(new bloggers) by having both as a feature of WP unless it's  
extremely clearly delineated.

I must say that your argument for tags and categories is well- 
presented.  Makes it much clearer to me why people would want to go  
with dual-functionality.  I still think it's best left as a plugin  
function, though, and not part of the core.


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