<p>I need someone to get my blog up an running. Someone that knows the ends and outs of wordpress at an affordable cost. </p>
<p>Main focus:<br>I already have my domain name, hosting, logo. My domain is set up with <a href="http://wordpress.org">wordpress.org</a>, not the free one, <a href="http://wordpress.com">wordpress.com</a>. </p>
<p>My main focus is: <br>1. Utilize wordpress to it full potential with all the awesome plugins they have. I know this may sound crazy, and this is a totally differnet website, but as a comparison level, I want my site to be as interactive as facebook, if that make since. I know it just a HTML site, but people are engaged in it. <br>
2. I have several plugins already, but not sure if things are set up right, like Google Adsense, Google Analystics, flog, music, splash, BlogTalk Radio, Pages, etc and the list goes on. I need to make sure these connections are right. <br>
3. I would like to create a Facebook, Twitter, possiblity myspace and link to the blog we you can see comments. <br>4. As for the theme itself, it could use a little more liveness to it. My colors are, black, grey, red and little white. I have a vision, but if I can find a free theme close to it, but be cheaper for me instead of paying for a theme. <br>
5. Other little miscellanous stuff that I would like changed on the theme or moved. around <br>6. Need help with images, upload and just a little tweak, just a little tweak on my logo.<br>7. Someone that has an eye for vision, design, etc.<br>
8. Are you affordable, can you work with me, if so I could really use your help.</p>
<p>email:<br><a href="mailto:niecybmw@gmail.com">niecybmw@gmail.com</a> with your contact information and samples of your work.<br></p>