<div dir="ltr">Hey all,<br><br>I still need the design I posted about earlier, because the last agreement fell through. It fell through in a happy way, though, because the designer I was going to work with got a full-time job. So, I still need a design!<br>
<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><b>Note: I need a quote and portfolio before I can respond to any offers. Thanks!</b><br></div><br>Feel: Simple, elegant -- slightly off-color white -- hint of yellowish. Like old paper.<br>
<br>Typography: Needs to be great so that reading is super easy and professional, with a hint of "founding father" enlightenment. :P Examples: what individual pages look like at Cato.org; for example: <<a href="http://cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9683">http://cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=9683</a>> Note: I despise the blue column on the far right. Also, the main "body" needs to be black text on white background to make ads easier to display. Links need to be underlined and red.<br>
<br>Sidebars: Sidebars to be of the same dimensions as <a href="http://www.SmartPersonalDevelopment.com">www.SmartPersonalDevelopment.com</a>. The sidebars will be used primarily for adding links to pages (I'll be using the theme as both a blogging platform and a CMS). There needs to be two, with the larger one on the right.<br>
<br>Usability – no unused space, the header needs to be all logo except for a feedburner signup on the top right.<br><br>Also, I need the design to come with a secondary "non-logo" version so readers can download it. :)<br>
<br>So, considering the download thing, a link needs to be had to "<a href="http://learnfinancialplanning.com/">http://learnfinancialplanning.com/</a>" with the anchor text of "financial planning."<br>
<br>I'd love to see the "quote" function not look very "quotey." I'll be using it for highlights rather than just quotes. Perfect example: "Ready to Be Coached" box about halfway down this page: <a href="http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/">http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/</a><br>
<br>I'm not sure how complicated it is (a friend of mine told me it was as simple as adding "div" tags, whatever that means), but I'd love to have two sections below the content and before the comments of every post that included "More Reading/Related Articles" and social media buttons. Like <a href="http://www.Copyblogger.com">www.Copyblogger.com</a>. Is that complicated to add?<br>
<br>Btw, I really, really liked the "feel" of AndyAndrews.com. I hope I'm communicating the general feel of what I'd like the design to portray. Think: studious library + inspirational idea. :P I'll be using the design for <a href="http://www.SmartPersonalDevelopment.com">www.SmartPersonalDevelopment.com</a> and the forthcoming <a href="http://www.LearnFinancialPlanning.com">www.LearnFinancialPlanning.com</a>.<br>