<div>I'd like to have a custom Wordpress theme designed... I have a sample of blogs that I really like which could be used as a basis for a new design. Here they are.</div>
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<div><a href="http://veerle.duoh.com/">http://veerle.duoh.com</a> (my favorite by far)<br><a href="http://utombox.com/download/4u.png">http://utombox.com/download/4u.png</a><br><a href="http://thisdamnblog.com/">http://thisdamnblog.com/
</a><br><a href="http://www.balkanboy.biz/">http://www.balkanboy.biz/</a></div>
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<div>I'm looking for something relatively simple, yet very clean and readable. I want to avoid grainy images and text. I'd like everything to be sharp. I don't know much about Wordpress, so I'd also need someone to recommend useful plugins, etc. A header would need to be created as well; I'm looking for something with a cartoonish feel.
<p>This would be a single theme, with multiple categories, an archive page and an about page. I'd need some plugins or something to spice up the blog a bit as well. Ideally if I could take an RSS feed from my forum and have a recent posts block on the blog, that would be great.
<p>The theme would be similar Veerle's blog (first in the list), and possibly take ideas from the others. I'm after a grey background, with a bar on the right and something on the bottom half, liek categories. In addition to the blog, I'd need to have a simple index page created which will act as a pointer to the new blog and my forums. This page would have a dark background as well, and a large link to the blog and a large link to my forum (at
<a href="http://www.jabber-box.com/">www.jabber-box.com</a>), as well as some graphics thrown in.</p>
<p>If anyone is interested, please e-mail me at <a href="mailto:danceology@gmail.com">danceology@gmail.com</a> with a rough quote, as well as a portfolio.</p>
<p>Thanks!<br>David Kaplan</p>
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<div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><a href="http://www.jabber-box.com">www.jabber-box.com</a><br>Conversation. Gallery. Downloads. Streaming music. </div>