Dear Myisha Crittle,<br><br>I would like to help you with your site but I woul like to know a few things:<br><ol><li>Can I see what you have online today <br></li><li>Will it be needed to upgrade your wp+plugins to latest WP2
<br></li><li>Do you wan't a full new design or <br></li><li> Can it be a mod of an already existing WP template or<br></li><li> Would you like something based on <a href="">OSDW</a> or <a href="">
OWD</a> ones<br></li><li>Do you have the images already or must I get new ones</li><li> In last case would you like to choose yourself from <a href="">AbsolutVision</a><br></li><li>Can you pay me through Paypal
<br></li></ol>As you may guess there are a few variables that modify the final price but I must say in advance that your budget is more than enough.<br><br>Waiting to hear from you soon.<br><br>Warmest regards,<br><br>Lopo Lencastre de Almeida