[wp-polyglots] translate.wordpress.org Catalan Admin

José Conti j.conti at telefonica.net
Mon May 3 10:55:48 UTC 2010

======English Version============================

Hello Catalan Admin translate.wordpress.org

There are some suggestions that you should approve for wordpress works 

I worked for the Generalitat de Catalunya and since long time ago 
translations of WPMU have a bug. I have to modifie it to work correctly when 
creating a new blog.

Those old bugs have appeared in this version, which will be official.

If not approve these suggestions, all installations of WordPress, will have 
this problem.



============Catalan Version================

Hola Administrador de Català

Hi ha algunes suggestions que has aprovar perquè wordpress funcioni 

Jo realitzo treballs per a la Generalitat de Catalunya i des de fa molt 
temps, les traduccions de WPMU, tenen un problema. He de modificar-la per 
que funcioni correctament quan es crea un nou bloc.

Aquells antics errors, han aparegut en aquesta versió, que serà l'oficial.

Si no aproves aquestes suggestions, totes les instal.lacions de WordPress, 
tindran aquest problema.



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