[wp-polyglots] phpdoc translation?

Xavier Borderie xavier at borderie.net
Wed May 6 09:08:25 GMT 2009

> Yeah I know it sure is going to be a lot of work ;)

Indeed :)

> Plus, I had this idea it may be easier to keep that up-to-date
> compared to Codex...

Maybe, but I'd be more concerned about readability.
Let's say I want to know how to build an advanced Loop. You wouldn't
find that in phpdoc, it's really too dry, and therefore limited to
hardcore developers. Since I tend to believe that hardcore developers
have made themselves english-fluent in the course of learning their
programming languages to the bone, I'd say translating phpdoc would be
catering to a limit population. Whereas building a good Codex would be
of much help to beginning/intermediate users - that is, those less
knowledgeable in both WP coding and English.

Makes sense?

Xavier Borderie

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