[wp-polyglots] Re: Re: help needed to test the default theme translation

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Tue Apr 15 07:59:07 GMT 2008

2008/4/14, Cátia Kitahara <contato at catiakitahara.com.br>:
> Thank you, Liang,
>  I understood what you explained about building our official release, but
> what should we do about our testing site. How can we make the default theme
> ready for the translation we did? Should we work with the files from the
> repository instead of the ones available from the wordpress.org download
> page? Anyway, we would like to know what's the difference between those
> files to understand how can we provide a translated theme, other than the
> default, for example. In thesis, following the codex instructions, we should
> simply add that funcion, isn't it? Then, why isn't it working?

You will have to replace the wp-content/themes/default folder contents
with that of wordpress-i18n/theme/tags/2.5/ Then you can add kubrick
pt_BR.mo there.

Since doing this by hand isn't very pleasant task, you can get
pt-br.wordpress.org site and there is a web based packaging system,
which will do this for you. More information in the Codex:


Happy translating,

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