[wp-polyglots] Suggestions for better localizations

Karl Wångstedt kalle at wangstedt.net
Fri Feb 17 12:38:22 GMT 2006

17 feb 2006 kl. 13.20 skrev Stefano:

> The patch was submitted, accepted, and already applied in the latest
> nightly build. The .POT file is not yet updated but I suppose it will
> be in the nex days.

Great news! Thank's for taking on the work on the patch. Really  
appreciate it. And I'm really glad that my idea was good enough for  
others to appreciate.

Another thing. How do you and your translating teams do when updating  
translations from previous versions? Do you sit down and do the  
whole .pot all over again?

I've been working on a retranslation to 2.0 for a couple of weeks  
now. My old for 1.5 are partly outdated (obviously) and some things  
are new in 2.0. But it's a bitch to have to search for all existing  
translations in the 1.5 file and then copy and paste it to the new one.

Could it be done easier?

I suppose the .pot file is parsed out of the source somehow, and if  
so, could it perhaps be possible to do an extra .diff file, or a file  
with only the new/changed msgstr's?

Maybe some of you guys have a good solution?

Karl Wångstedt

W W W . W A N G S T E D T . N E T

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