[wp-polyglots] Repository automation proposal

Morgan Doocy morgan at doocy.net
Wed Mar 2 06:21:09 GMT 2005

I've organized my thoughts regarding the automation concepts we've been 
discussing recently into a proposal for how to implement server-side 
automation. Here's my idea:

1. Track only "source" files in the repository. These include:
    - POT files
    - PO files
    - Hard-translated themes
    - Gettexted themes
    - Hard-translated WP core files
    - Repository tools
2. Use hook scripts [1] to generate compiled files and do packaging on 
each commit. Depending on what files are changed in a commit, any or 
all of the following would be automatically generated for the affected 
    - MO files
    - Packaged localized theme downloads (both hard-coded and gettexted 
    - Packaged localized versions of full WordPress with localized 
themes, MOs, and dist files
    - Different versions of all of the above for each of a locale's most 
popular character encodings
3. Place auto-generated content in a public "staging area" for 
downloading. (e.g. http://wordpress.org/international/ or 

This would eliminate any need to worry about creating WP packages, MO 
files, and alternate versions for different character encodings, in 
addition to making everything available for users to download in one 
central spot with little to no maintenance.



[1] http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/svn-book.html#svn-ch-5-sect-2.1

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