[wp-polyglots] Localized themes

Stefano steagl at people.it
Tue Jun 28 09:30:57 GMT 2005

We at wordpress-it.it are making some themes and plugin already
internationalized, available in italian. And we are making some not
using the internazionalization function using them making available
the italian translation , the .pot files and the modified files.

Today we are realesing the theme almost spring, you can download it at
www.wordpress-it.it/temi-italiani, the packgae includes:

- the theme files with code correction for localization
- the .pot file
- the italian .mo and .po files

I think the right palace for that files should be the new theme page
at wordpress.org, if someone let me know to who email it it would be

Stefano Aglietti - StallonIt on IRCnet - ICQ#: 2078431
Email: steagl at people.it - steagl at despammed.com
BlogPage: http://www.40annibuttati.it/
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